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Extension of validity of visa application processing fee until September 22, 2023

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

In January this year, we had reported the U.S. Department of State’s decision to extend the Machine-Readable Visa (MRV) fee until September 22, 2021. The U.S. Department of State extended the validity of Machine-Readable Visa (MRV) fees until September 30, 2022. Recently, the U.S. mission in India has notified that the MRV fee will be extended until September 30,…

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Indian Citizens can now link their passport number to their COVID-19 Vaccination Status

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

With countries opening their borders, it is important to link the passport with COVID-19 vaccination. COWIN is the web portal owned and operated by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. This interactive website keeps track of India’s COVID-19 vaccination program. Amongst other things, this website keeps a record of the vaccination…

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U.S. Eases Travel Restrictions, starting November 8, 2021

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

On October 25, 2021, the U.S. President, Joe Biden released the much-anticipated proclamation titled “A Proclamation on Advancing the Safe Resumption of Global Travel During the COVID-19 Pandemic”. This presidential proclamation (P.P.) comes into effect on November 8, 2021, at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, just after midnight and ends the travel restrictions imposed under P.P. 9984, 9992, 10143,…

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U.S. to Relax Travel Restrictions for Fully Vaccinated Travelers

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

On September 20, 2021, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that travel restrictions imposed on foreign nationals entering the United States will be relaxed, starting November 2021. Our readers are aware, that earlier this year, President Biden had further tightened the travel restrictions put in place by President Trump and restricted entry into the United States…

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Interview Waiver Expansion for Certain F, M, & J Visa Applicants

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

In March 2021, U.S. Secretary of State, Antony J Blinken, in consultation with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), had temporarily expanded the ability of consular officers to waive the in-person interview requirement for individuals applying for a non-immigrant visa in the same classification within 48 months of the expiry of the prior visa.…

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COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Medical Examinations

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

The USCIS issued a policy update on September 14, 2021 pertaining to the COVID-19 vaccination requirement for medical examinations required by the USCIS. This update requires applicants subject to the immigration medical examination to complete the COVID-19 vaccine series (one or two doses, depending on the vaccine) and provide documentation of vaccination to the civil surgeon…

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Update on H / L Visas at U.S. Consular Posts in India

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

U.S. consular posts in India are currently processing H and L visa applications for applicants eligible for the National Interest Exception (NIE) as detailed here. Dropbox eligible H / L applicants should present documentation to establish eligibility for the NIE at the time of submitting the documents at the Visa Application Centre, failing which their applications…

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U.S. to Relax Travel Restrictions for Fully Vaccinated Travellers

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

On September 20, 2021, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that travel restrictions imposed on foreign nationals entering the United States will be relaxed, starting November 2021. Our readers are aware, that earlier this year, President Biden had further tightened the travel restrictions put in place by President Trump and restricted entry into the United States…

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National Interest Exceptions Cannot be Pre-adjudicated While Abroad

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

Most nonimmigrant visa applicants will already be aware that on April 30, 2021, President Joseph R. Biden signed proclamation 10199 suspending the entry into the United States of certain nationals, who were physically present in any of a list of 33 countries, during the 14-day period preceding their entry or attempted entry into the United…

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NIEs Processed Electronically and Annotation Not Always Required

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

The following U.S. nonimmigrant visa applicants will not receive an annotation: Applicants who have demonstrated that they are not subject to the proclamation.Applicants whose visas were issued prior to the proclamation.Certain categories of visa holders eligible for blanket waivers, including F-1 and M-1 students with start or resumption date on or after August 1, 2021…

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