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The U.S. consular posts in India have opened up INA 221(g) follow up appointments for U.S. non-immigrant visa applicants.

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Historically, U.S. non-immigrant visa applicants who were issued an INA 221(g) letter advising to appear for a person interview could walk-in on any weekday during specified times. With the pandemic, the consular posts started issuing letters indicating that such applicants should appear for a personal interview once the consular posts resume routine operations. Over the…

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Presidential Proclamation 10052 Expired on March 31, 2021

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

The Biden administration has allowed the Presidential Proclamation 10052 to sunset on March 31, 2021. The U.S. Department of State (DOS) update on this topic and its implications can be found here. That proclamation had suspended / limited entry of certain H, L and J applicants originally until December 31, 2020 and later it was extended…

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Returning Resident (SB-1) and Immigrant Visa Interviews Open in India

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

If a U.S. lawful permanent resident (LPR) stays outside the United States for over a year without a re-entry permit, then s/he is considered to have abandoned the status as LPR and needs a “Returning Resident (SB-1) visa” to return to the United States. LPRs need to primarily live and be domiciled in the United…

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President Biden Rescinds Presidential Proclamation 10014

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

Presidential Proclamation (P.P.) 10014 which suspended entry of certain immigrant visa applicants was rescinded by President Biden on February 24, 2021. This means that there is no longer any restriction on issuance of immigrant visas. Accordingly, the U.S. Consulate in Mumbai and the Embassy in Delhi, which process all immigrant visas in India have started…

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Drop-Box Eligibility – Not Applicable for Cancelled Visas

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

U.S. non-immigrant visa applicants in India are eligible to renew their visa using the drop-box facility if certain conditions are met. One of the conditions is that the applicant should not have a visa cancelled or revoked previously. If a valid visa was cancelled without prejudice with a stamp CWOP, then such applicants will not…

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INA 212 (a)(6)(c)(i) Ineligibility for Employees of Certain Companies

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

Several students in the United States who have experience from one of the following four companies – Integra, AZech, Wireclass and AndWill, face the imminent threat of a permanent ineligibility pursuant to fraud/ misrepresentation under the Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 212(a)(6)(c)(i).  Some U.S. visa applicants who obtained an experience letter from one of the…

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U.S. Embassy in India to resume Limited Processing of All Categories of Visas from Feb 1, 2021

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The U.S. Embassy in India has tweeted that they will resume limited processing of all categories of U.S. visas from Feb 1, 2021. Following this we noticed that interview dates were available both in New Delhi and Mumbai.  It is important to remember that applicants who are subject to the Presidential Proclamation P.P. 10052 should…

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Effective January 26, 2021 Negative COVID19 Test Mandatory to Enter U.S.

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The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released a notification requiring all Air Passengers entering the United States to carry a Negative COVID19 test. This test needs to be taken at a center approved or authorized by the relevant national authority and should have been taken with in the last 72 hours of…

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Feb / Mar 2021 Visa Appointments Cancelled except for Emergencies

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We reported that the visa appointments we see in India for February and March 2021 are only placeholder appointments. These were created to facilitate an applicant to request an emergency appointment. We reported that unless the consular services resume regular operations, one should expect these appointments to be cancelled. We have noticed that this has already started…

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Interview Waiver Eligibility Extended Until March 31, 2021

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The U.S. Department of State has on December 29, 2020 temporarily extended the eligibility for Interview Waivers to protect people during the Covid-19 pandemic. Originally, certain nonimmigrant visa applicants were eligible for interview waiver if the previous visa in the same category held by the applicant expired within the last 12 months. This was temporarily…

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