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Card Holders Requiring Re-Issuance of OCI Card under Indian Law

  • January 6, 2020
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Although MISPL provides services in India pertaining to U.S. immigration law, since we are based in India, at times, we provide information on changes in the law or policies in India, for the benefit of those living abroad, who may be impacted by changing rules, in order to enter India. 

Airlines Refusing to Allow Certain OCI Passengers to Board Flights to India

When an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) is issued an OCI card (booklet). S/he can travel to India using the OCI card and a valid passport issued by the country of current nationality. A recent Government of India announcement has caused confusion for many OCI card holders, instead of helping to clarify matters. The net effect is that many airlines are following the rules very strictly and refusing to allow certain OCI card holders to board flights to India. This contradicts the reason for the OCI card issuance in the first place, as advertised by the Government of India, since the OCI card was meant to be a lifelong visa for the card holder to be able to enter India freely. 

New Indian Policy Requiring Reissuance of OCI Card under Certain Circumstances

The new policy promulgated by the Government of India requiring certain OCI card holders to obtain a new OCI card, is explained below. 

If the OCI holder’s foreign passport was renewed after the issuance of the OCI card, under certain circumstances, re-issuance of the OCI card is mandatory in order to travel to India. 

 The table below explains when one needs to apply and obtain the reissued OCI card:  

Age at Time of OCI IssuanceRe-Issuance Mandatory(YES / NO)Comments
Less than 20 years YESOn account of biological changes in face, re-issuance is mandatory each time passport is renewed. 
21 to 49 yearsNODiscretion of traveler to obtain a new OCI card with current passport number. Alternative is to carry both old and current passport along with OCI card while traveling to India. 
Prior to 50thBirthdayYESIf the OCI was issued prior to 50th birthday and passport was renewed after the 50th birthday, OCI card must be reissued. 
After 50thBirthdayNOIf the OCI card was issued after 50th birthday, it is not mandatory to re-issue the OCI card. One can carry both the old and new passport with the OCI card while traveling to India. 


Although Indian immigration authorities are saying that they would allow a person with the OCI card to enter India with no problems, the airlines are refusing to allow passengers affected to board the flight to India. To avoid inconvenience and delay, it is important for OCI holders to take cognizance of the newly enforced requirements and have the necessary documents prior to traveling to India. More information on this subject can be found here

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