A recent update on the CEAC website indicates that Immigrant Visa payments which are showing a current status on “In-Process” are taking longer than usual to reflect final payment. This update is available here. Our readers may be aware that the display of various status like “Start Now”, “In-Process” and “Paid” generally indicate the three stages of Immigrant Visa Fee Payments. Usually, after the payment by the applicant / petitioner is processed online, the status changes to “Paid”. From the update it is clear that this transition is taking time, although the reason for the delay is not explicitly mentioned. Department of State, Consular Electronic Application Center assures that this issue is being investigated. All petitioners who have filed an immigrant visa are urged to note this and plan accordingly. We will continue to monitor the website and strive to bring the latest updates for the benefit of our readers.
Murthy Immigration Services
Murthy Immigration Services