Murthy Immigration Services Murthy Immigration Services Murthy Immigration Services Murthy Immigration Services Murthy Immigration Services


Murthy Immigration Services

Assistance with U.S. Consular Matters

All U.S. Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Appointments Cancelled in India

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

Effective Monday, March 16, 2020 all immigrant and nonimmigrant visa appointments in India stand cancelled until further notice on account of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Once consular services resume, one would be able to login to their profile on and reschedule their appointment. At this time, it is not clear how long this may…

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Increase in B1/B2 Visa Denials for Certain Visa Applicants

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

Generally, the visa for business or visa for pleasure, commonly referred to as the B1/B2 visa, is valid for a duration of 10 years in India based on visa reciprocity. Visa applicants wishing to renew their B1/B2 visas may use the drop-box facility if the most recent B1/B2 visa is valid or if it has…

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Public Charge Questionnaire Effective from Feb 24, 2020

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

The Public Charge Rule is effective nationwide in the U.S. from February 24, 2020 onwards. The Final Rule, as initially published on Aug 14, 2019, was to become effective on Oct. 15, 2019. Multiple lawsuits ensued and there was a nationwide injunction preventing the Trump administration from enforcing the Rule. With the U.S. Supreme Court…

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Birth Certificate for Indians Born in India or Abroad

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

Indian nationals living abroad who have not been able to register the birth under the “Birth, Deaths and Marriage Registration Act, 1886” can now apply for a birth certificate based on the passport. One must submit the duly completed form for “Birth Certificate as per Passport”. Applicants must also include a passport size photograph of the…

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Increase in scrutiny for returning F-1 students at Port of Entry

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

In recent times, we have noticed a higher scrutiny at U.S. ports of entry and at pre-clearance locations, particularly for F1 students, returning to the United States. Some common reasons returning students are prevented from boarding a flight or denied admission at a U.S. port of entry or preclearance facility, are listed below. This list…

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Biometric Appointments – Procedure in Event of Delay

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

U.S. nonimmigrant visa applicants in India need to first appear for a biometric appointment at a Visa Application Center (VAC) prior to the visa appointment. In some situations, applicants may not be able to reach the biometric appointment on time – this could include when applicants travel from places far from the city where the VAC…

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Collection of Passport and Documents by Visa Applicant or Representative

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

At the time of scheduling a visa appointment to the U.S., the visa applicant has a choice of opting for premium delivery of passport to the person’s home address (if serviceable) or to pick up the passport from one of the document / passport collection centers.  If the applicant has opted for document pick-up, then…

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Update to Drop Box Procedures in India

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

MISPL had previously reported that effective September 1, 2019 eligible applicant(s) who can use the drop box facility, need to first schedule an appointment with one of the CGI drop-off locations to submit their documents.  Documents can be only submitted on the date of the appointment scheduled at one of the drop box locations from Monday to Friday, between…

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Card Holders Requiring Re-Issuance of OCI Card under Indian Law

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

Although MISPL provides services in India pertaining to U.S. immigration law, since we are based in India, at times, we provide information on changes in the law or policies in India, for the benefit of those living abroad, who may be impacted by changing rules, in order to enter India.  Airlines Refusing to Allow Certain…

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Steady Increase in Number of Indian Students at U.S. Universities

150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

A recent report published on the official website of the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi indicates that there has been a steady increase in the number of Indian students pursuing higher education in the U.S. For the sixth consecutive year, the number of Indian Students pursuing higher education in the U.S. has increased and for…

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