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The INA 221(g) submission letter in India must be completed manually

  • October 8, 2019
150 150 Murthy Immigration Services

This article is common to INA 221(g) refusals pertaining to both immigrant and nonimmigrant visa applicants. In general, a refusal pursuant to INA 221(g) means that the consular post either requires additional information / documents, or background verification before a final decision can be made. If the consular post requires additional information / documentation at the time of submission, the applicant must download and complete the INA 221(g) submission letter (in duplicate) from the U.S. consular mission’s support desk website. Until recently, the visa application centres (VAC) would accept such letters, even if they were typewritten or completed electronically. However, the VAC staff in Chennai now requires it to be completed manually (i.e. handwritten). To avoid delay and confusion, applicants should follow this new requirement at the time of submission across all VACs in India.